What are the order validities available for Saudi stock trading on Sahm?

  • DAY: DAY refers to unfilled orders that will automatically be cancelled at the end of the trading session.
  • Good Till Date (GTD): Good Till Date (GTD) is a type of order that is active until its specified date, unless it has already been fulfilled or cancelled.
  • Good Till Cancel (GTC): A Good Till Cancel (GTC) order is a buy or sell order that remains active until it is either executed or until the investor cancels it.
  • Fill or Kill (FoK): A Fill or Kill (Fok) order is an order to buy or sell a stock that must be executed immediately in its entirety; otherwise, the entire order will be cancelled.
  • Fill and Kill (FaK): A Fill and Kill (FaK) is an order type that all or part of the order to be executed immediately after it has been put to the market. Any portions not executed are automatically cancelled by the trading system.
  • Fill outside RTH: Fill outside regular trading hour (RTH) refers to an order that is valid either in pre-market trading session or after hour trading session. If users choose Not Allowed on the order page of Sahm, then their order will not be filled in a pre-market and after-hours trading session.
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