Each execution price is compared with the best bid and ask prices. When the current execution price is equal to or higher than the best ask price, it is considered an inflow; when the current execution price is equal to or lower than the best bid price, it is considered an outflow.
Net Capital= Inflow Capital – Outflow Capital
Inflow Percentage= Current inflow amount/Total trading value
Outflow Percentage= Current outflow amount/Total trading value
2. Liquidity trend
Liquidity trends the cumulative capital flow data for the day (or the last trading day’s data, if the stock market has not opened).
The horizontal axis presents market opening and closing time, while the vertical axis presents the cumulative capital flow amount of the day (the cumulative inflow or outflow amount of the day).
Long press the trend chart to see the current data details, including: Time range/Inflow Amt (cumulative inflow amount at the time) / Outflow Amt (cumulative outflow amount at the time).
3. Historical Liquidity trend
Historical liquidity trend chart presents the daily net amount of the capital flow for the past 60 days in bar chart and the closing prices for the past 60 days in line chart.
The horizontal axis presents the 60-day data, while the vertical axis presents the Net Amt (i.e. net daily capital flow) and Close (closing price).
Long press the trend chart to see the data details: Date, Net Amt and Close. Net Amt: Net cumulative capital flow of the day Close: Closing price
Liquidity history. Weekly Net Amt, i.e. net inflow amount in 7 days Monthly Net Amt, i.e. net inflow amount in 1 month Quarterly Net Amt, i.e. net inflow amount in 90 days
Tap "Historical" (">") to check the details page and display the historical data in the last 180 days.