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Latest Scam Alert on Impersonation of the Company Website
Sahm Capital Financial Company (SCFC) has recently received from the public about an impersonation scam. Scammers initiate contact by displaying error messages and information on the FAKE WEBSITE you visit which claims to be affiliated with our company.
We sincerely hope to remind our valued customers not to engage with these fraudulent websites as well as other unofficial channels, and please be aware that SCFC is not responsible for any transactions conducted through above mentioned.
To verify the authenticity of our website, please visit our official site at the following link only: (
All necessary legal actions against the entities responsible for these fraudulent websites will be taken undoubtedly under all regulatory regimes in every jurisdiction region.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at the following email: ( or via phone: (+966920007889)
Thank you for your attention and cooperation.