Stocks To Watch | Discover high-yield dividend stocks in Saudi Arabia
BSF 1050.SA | 15.80 | +1.80% |
LUBEREF 2223.SA | 110.80 | +0.91% |
FIRST MILLS 2283.SA | 60.40 | +0.33% |
CENOMI CENTERS 4321.SA | 21.96 | +1.20% |
JARIR 4190.SA | 12.78 | +0.95% |
Banque Saudi Fransi(1050.SA) is a public company, listed on Saudi Stock Exchange “Tadawul” (TDWL) since January 1993. BSF operates within the Banks sector focusing on Diversified Banks. BSF is based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and was established in June 1977.The company's share price is SAR 16.04 and offers a dividend yield of 12.46%.
Saudi Aramco Base Oil Co.(2223.SA) is a public company, listed on Saudi Exchange “Tadawul” (TDWL) since December 2022. LUBEREF operates within the Energy, Oil & Gas sector focusing on Oil & Gas Production, Extraction & Refining Services. LUBEREF is based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and was established in August 1979.The company's share price is SAR 111.4 and offers a dividend yield of 7.71%.
First Milling Co.(2283.SA) is a public company, listed on Saudi Exchange “Tadawul” (TDWL) since June 2023. FIRST MILLS operates within the Food,Tobacco & Beverages sector focusing on Agricultural & Packaged Foods Products. FIRST MILLS is based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and was established in November 2016.The company's share price is SAR 59.6 and offers a dividend yield of 7.33%.
Arabian Centres Co.(4321.SA) is a public company, listed on Saudi Stock Exchange “Tadawul” (TDWL) since May 2019. CENOMI CENTERS operates within the Real Estate sector focusing on Real Estate Management & Development Services. CENOMI CENTERS is based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and was established in May 2005.The company's share price is SAR 21.0 and offers a dividend yield of 7.14%.
Jarir Marketing Co.(4190.SA) is a public company, listed on Saudi Exchange “Tadawul” (TDWL) since December 2003. Jarir operates within the Retailing sector focusing on Specialty Stores. Jarir is based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and was established in July 1979.The company's share price is SAR 12.7 and offers a dividend yield of 6.53%.
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