PRESSR: Abu Dhabi Investment Office cooperates with Gradiant to enhance water security

First published: 07-Dec-2023 14:50:58

  • "Gradiant", an MIT company and a leader in water treatment, joins the Abu Dhabi innovation ecosystem to develop global solutions to address global climate challenges.

  • “Gradiant” chooses Abu Dhabi to establish a new headquarters for the Europe, Middle East and Africa region, and partners with the Abu Dhabi Investment Office to advance efforts to achieve water security.

  • Signing of the agreement during the activities of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28)

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates: The Abu Dhabi Investment Office announced today that Gradiant, a leading water and wastewater transformation and treatment company founded by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has selected the UAE capital Abu Dhabi to establish its new headquarters in the Europe, Middle East and Africa region. And launching a global innovation center in the field of water treatment. The Abu Dhabi Investment Office and Gradiant signed a cooperation agreement during the activities of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28), under which the company will join the thriving innovation system in Abu Dhabi, which leads efforts to develop and employ innovative technological solutions to global climate challenges.

The Abu Dhabi Investment Office aims to support the economic development process in Abu Dhabi by attracting innovative companies active in economic sectors that have high growth potential and are in line with the emirate’s long-term development vision. The cooperation with Gradiant, valued at one billion US dollars, will contribute to consolidating Abu Dhabi’s position as a leading destination for innovative water treatment applications. The global water and wastewater treatment market is expected to reach $1.1 trillion by 2030.

Under this cooperation, the Abu Dhabi Investment Office will provide “Gradiant” with the support that enables it to develop its business, including strengthening the cooperative relations between it and the business system in Abu Dhabi, and enabling it to benefit from the opportunities provided by the international trade agreements that the Emirate of Abu Dhabi enjoys with many countries around the world. the world. “Gradiant”, which has its headquarters in Boston, USA, and which employs more than 1,000 employees around the world, is in a unique position that qualifies it to provide innovative solutions to the world’s increasing water resource challenges resulting from industrialization, population growth, and water scarcity, as the company’s technologies contribute to reducing water footprint, and improve mission-critical operations for many of the world's essential industries such as semiconductors, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, and renewable energy.

On this occasion, Badr Salim Sultan Al Olama, Acting Director General of the Abu Dhabi Investment Office, said: “Attracting Gradiant, a billion-dollar company that plays a major role in enhancing water security, which is considered one of the most pressing global priorities, is a major and important boost to the innovation system in the emirate.” It is also considered an important addition that enables the emirate to strengthen its commitment to reaching net zero emissions. Gradiant’s focus on providing innovative water treatment solutions to the main growth sectors in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi is consistent with our economic priorities, as its solutions will contribute to supporting the growth of a number of industrial sectors in the emirate. The United Arab Emirates is part of the water security strategy by increasing the rates of reuse of treated water, and we are pleased to support this commitment through strategic cooperation with an elite group of international companies such as Gradiant.”

Gradiant provides practical and digital solutions for water and wastewater facilities and currently holds up to 250 patents covering a wide range of technologies. The company provides a set of pioneering technologies that employ the power of artificial intelligence to provide comprehensive solutions to the most important water challenges facing the world. The company has developed the Smart Ops application, which uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to improve data management and improve water treatment plant operations.

For his part, Prakash Govindan, Chief Operating Officer at Gradiant, said: “Our partnership with Abu Dhabi Investment Office reinforces our commitment to developing sustainable water solutions across the EMEA region. We look forward to building on our strong work history in Singapore to advance efforts to devote "Abu Dhabi and the UAE are at the forefront of innovation in water technology. Our business approach is uniquely aligned with Abu Dhabi Economic Vision 2030, and we are committed to contributing to enhancing water and energy security in the region through our modern and innovative solutions."

Gradiant's Global Innovation Center in Abu Dhabi will develop and deploy new water treatment technologies, and will work closely with Khalifa University, Masdar City, and an elite group of local academic institutions to enhance the innovation system in Abu Dhabi, as these partnerships will contribute to achieving further progress and improvement of the company's technologies, such as RO technology. Infinity, Carrier Gas Extraction technology and other innovative water treatment solutions.

The Abu Dhabi Investment Office is committed to developing sustainable energy solutions in Abu Dhabi, as the office previously cooperated with Siemens Energy AG to establish the Middle East Customer Innovation Center in the emirate, to be one of the four global centers working to accelerate the dissemination of innovative solutions to achieve the goals of reaching... Net zero emissions in the UAE and globally.

#Government data
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About Abu Dhabi Investment Office

The mission of the Abu Dhabi Investment Office is to support investors at the state, regional and global levels, and to enable them to develop and grow their businesses in the capital, Abu Dhabi, through close cooperation with an elite group of partners from government agencies, sovereign investment entities, and leading national companies.

The Abu Dhabi Investment Office is the main platform in the capital, Abu Dhabi, that provides support for private sector investments, enabling it to expand and grow, conclude effective partnerships and agreements, and compete globally by providing it with investment opportunities, strategic partnerships, and ways to access new markets within a number of key sectors, beginning with From the real estate and infrastructure sectors to the industrial and agricultural sectors, in a way that contributes to strengthening the country’s commitment to investing in talent, innovation and sustainability.

The Abu Dhabi Investment Office has a growing network of international offices, and investors can communicate with the Abu Dhabi Investment Office by visiting its main office in Abu Dhabi, or one of its eight international offices spread in Beijing, Frankfurt, London, New York, Paris, San Francisco, Seoul, and Tel Aviv. Aviv.

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About Gradient Company

Gradiant is a global company specialized in developing innovative solutions for advanced water and wastewater treatment. The company provides a full range of solutions, developed by some of the best minds in water science, to corporate clients operating in a number of the world's core industries, including oil and gas, semiconductors, pharmaceuticals, food, manufacturing, beverages, lithium, important minerals, and renewable energy. Gradiant's innovative solutions reduce water consumption, reduce water discharged, recover valuable resources, and replenish wastewater into fresh water. The company was founded by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is headquartered in Boston, USA, and employs more than 1,000 employees worldwide. To learn more, visit:

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