Collective Audience Receives Additional Nasdaq Notification Regarding Continued Listing Requirement Deficiency

Collective Audience, Inc. - Common Stock 0.00% Pre

Collective Audience, Inc. - Common Stock




Collective Audience, Inc. (NASDAQ:CAUD) has received an additional notification from the listing qualifications department of The Nasdaq Stock Market. Similar to the previous notifications announced on April 25, the new notification has no immediate effect on the continued listing of the company's common stock on the Nasdaq Global Market.


In the new notification, Nasdaq indicated that the company is not in compliance with the continued listing requirements regarding the timely filing of its quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2024. The company has until June 24, 2024, to submit a plan to regain compliance. However, the company anticipates it will file the Form 10-Q ahead of the June deadline.

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