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    What are Major U.S. Stock Exchanges?

    Stock exchanges are marketplaces for trading U.S. financial securities, commodities, derivatives, and other financial instruments. Here are the major ones:

    1. New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

    The NYSE is the world's largest equities exchange, listing many of the largest and most established companies. Stocks listed here are generally considered reliable and less volatile.

    2. Nasdaq 

    Nasdaq is known for its high-tech trading platform and lists many leading tech giants like Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon. While it specializes in technology companies, it also includes stocks from various industries.

    3. American Stock Exchange (AMEX)

    The AMEX, now known as NYSE American, is specialized in small-cap stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). This exchange offers an excellent platform for burgeoning companies looking to grow.

    4. Over-the-Counter (OTC) Market

    The OTC market is less formal than exchanges like the NYSE and Nasdaq. It includes stocks that are not listed on major exchanges and is generally used by smaller companies.

    Major Financial Instruments in the U.S. Market

    The U.S. market offers a variety of financial instruments. Here, we highlight the major ones:

    1. Stocks

    Stocks represent ownership in a company. As a shareholder, you own a portion of the company.

    2. Options

    Options are contracts that give you the right (but not the obligation) to buy or sell a stock at a specific price within a particular period. Options offer the potential for high returns but come with significant risks.

    3. Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)

    ETFs are collections of assets like stocks, bonds, commodities or other securities, bundled into a single fund. They are traded on exchanges similar to stocks and offer an easy way to diversify your portfolio. 

    4. Indices

    Stock indices are statistical measures that reflect the composite value of a selected group of stocks. These indices provide a snapshot of the performance and trends of a specific segment of the stock market or the market as a whole.

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